Overview of Options for Limited or Hands Free Computer and Tablet Access

This comprehensive video provides solutions that enable people with limited or no hand movement to continue to use a computer, tablet or speech generating device.  Though the video was produced in December of 2013 the methods, concepts and tools continue to be used.  The access methods in this video are relevant to Windows, Android and iOS systems.  Windows currently provides the most alternative access options.  See Tablets as Communication Devices for further comparison of these tablet options.


Switching From Keyboard to Mouse Pointer Options for Limited or Hands Free Access

This video demonstrates mouse options (touch pad, trackball, head tracker, etc.,) and discusses the importance of mouse settings and good positioning.


IPAD Tips For Those with Weak Hands

This video describes two tips to make the iPAD easier to use (Assistive Touch & Typing ShortCuts)


Head Movement Access


Foot Movement (Trackball) Access


Eye Movement Access


Scanning Access: For those with Very Limited Movement

Also See: Switches for Scanning Video


Switches For Scanning


Brain Control Access